Consulting Services

BP Plus Home Inspection LCC in the MA Area is here to serve you

Consulting Services

BP Plus Home Inspection LCC in the MA Area is here to serve you

All Home Inspections include a Termite Inspection and a two-canister Radon test kit that I set up.

You/your realtor must return 48 to 96 hours later to pick up and send the kit.


Clients, past and future;
Questions about your property? BP Plus Home Inspection, LLC will provide on-site consultations for homeowners.

If you, relatives, neighbors, or friends have a question/s, I can help. Some of the problems I have encountered and solved include these examples. I have helped save thousands of dollars for clients who thought they needed expensive basement perimeter drains when they needed better grading and downspout extensions. I can tell you how to solve ice-damning problems. House and foundation cracks, deck/porch, and stairs are problems I encounter. As a past builder and current Home Inspector, I can help you solve your issue. I will not try to sell you anything.

We may discuss one problem or many. I will listen to you, view the problem/s, and diligently explain what is happening and how to correct the problem. Most consultations are done in under an hour. I am an impartial MA. Licensed home inspector, state license # 238

My father was a builder, I was a builder, and I grew up working in the trades; I now inspect. I drew the houses I built, did the site work, framed the house, finished my houses, installed the septic systems, and laid the concrete floors, to mention some of my hands-on experience.

I have been in the American Society of Home Inspectors, [ASHI], since 1978, a full member since 1982, and a state-licensed inspector since the beginning of May 2001, performing over 13,000 paid inspections. Condominium owners and associations benefit from improved exterior grading, water control, and ventilation advice.

Consultations without reports start at $295 for the first hour and $350 with a report, $ 175 per additional hour. I am still performing Home Inspections pursuant to the sale of property and homeowners as well.

The house will talk to me, and I will work for you.

Thank you,
Bruce Platine
BP Plus Home Inspection, LLC